Disposable Camera Review!
Okay, so I feel like I can't quite yet share an honest review considering I haven't gone to develop my film yetttt. BUT, I do want to share this idea with anyone that may not have heard of this before....
I recently went to the store and picked up some disposable cameras (linked below) to take some pictures with! Not only were they super cheap ($15 for 2), but they can both also take up to 27 photos. I think that’s a pretty good deal considering polaroid slides cost $15 for 10-ish. My idea is to buy these cameras throughout the rest of the year, and take pictures of the moments that I love. At the end of the year, my plan is to develop all of the film to look over the memories we had.
Honestly, I think this idea is adorable and even though it is against everything in me to wait for the photos, I know it will be so worth it to see photos and moments that I will probably forget about by that time.
If you guys decide you want one, here is a link to he exact set I bought!! (: